Wednesday, April 7, 2010


"There are other currencies besides money."

This I learned over a decade ago during a session with a counsellor during the break-up of my first marriage.  It was brought  to my attention again during a fundraising drive at the church I attend.  The point has now been made to me many times  that we all have multiple avenues for giving and receiving. 

There are times in almost every life where money is in short supply.  This may be a chronic norm for many.  However, we are able to indulge others with time, energy, food, a listening ear, labour, drving, babysitting, reading materials, the use of tools, clothes, equipment, etc., and so on.

Different peoples' lives have served to bring financial realities into focus for me lately.  How do we manage money?  How do we manage debt?  How do we plan to pay for our lives if we live to be 90 years old (and our parents do the same)?  Should we be "living for today" if we are living in the red?  If we have a financial obligation to children, at what point do we wake up to the fact that we have to plan for them?  Where children are concerned, at what point do we say, "You're an adult now...make some choices and figure it out..." (but don't come to me for money)?

It is subjective, tricky, emotionally loaded terrain.  Running through the veins of any discussions about currency is the weight of responsibility.  Are you responsible?  How much and what for?

Like eating and sleeping, a mindfulness towards  money and all other life currencies is requisite.

Hoping you're wondering too!

Wondering Woman

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